Friday, January 30, 2009

Waitomo Caves

JANUARY 16, 2009

We were in Waitomo for the day and did the Lost World Tour. It is probably the most daring and adventurous thing I've ever done. Scratch that. It totally is. A good time ago, builders were looking to put a track of some sort through that area and stumbled upon a small opening into the cave. They said it looked like a window into a lost world...hence the name. Even though their plans to build there were spoiled, it was quite a discovery.

We started off getting geared up in wetsuits and all sorts of equipment that makes you wonder what you're getting in to. Then we abseiled down 100 meters into a cave...basically rapelling down but you're not against anything. When you get to the bottom, you are surrounded by the most amazing scenery. There is beautiful green vegetation everywhere (ferns, moss, trees) and you feel like you're the first people to step foot there. Then we began our trek underground through the cave. Now as many of you know, I'm not really an outdoor girl. We were climbing through gushing water, over slippery rocks, under huge boulders, jumping into pools of water from at least 10 feet up. Not exactly what I'm used to. But it was truly an amazing experience. We were able to see glowworms all around. At one part you just sit there in complete darkness and it feels like you're looking up at the sky with all the glowworms doting the ceiling. It was an unforgetable adventure and pictures will come soon!

Upon leaving the cave, Steven said, "You know I saw a huge spider in the cave and the guide told me they are water spiders. They jump down into the water and float around to find food. And they're about as big as my palm." Ignorance was definitely bliss for me in this case.

PS: Mom and Dad were married for 38 years on this day (that's right isn't it, Mom??). Cheers to them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Sista. That's awesome!